Disclaimer: The information presented and opinions expressed are solely the author's. Names have been changed to protect identities. The only names kept true are leadership.
It is important to note that this author is still working through their story. They will be continuing to share/add as they write and send them in. They want it known that these are just small "clips" of what they endured on the farm and not even close to the full story .
"Do not touch my anointed ones" - Psalm 105:15
A verse that is used to protect wolves in sheep's clothing. One that has kept many afraid of saying anything negative about the farm because it is so ingrained in us that the leader is so powerful and close to God.
If I could describe my time at the Farm in 2 words it would be FEAR and CONFUSION.
Fear of demons, unclean spirits, witches attacking, rebuking birds for fear of them being spirits of witches that are astral projecting, Jezebels and Delilahs infiltrating the farm, very dramatic "deliverances", extremely emotional group repentance sessions, the wrath of God, end times... So much fear. Mixed with being incredibly over worked, lack of sleep, and being put on certain diets.
The threat of being kicked off the Farm was thrown at me so often, and it always worked... because I was so desperate for healing and I was convinced that the Farm was the only place that could help me.
Just one quick story I will share - at one point during my time there, someone had donated $1,000 for EACH resident. That day, our workday had been interrupted and we were all called to the Refuge because the leader had something important to talk about. Work very rarely got interrupted so everyone was VERY curious what was going on, and personally, I was terrified. But we get there and the leader comes out. She is VERY SERIOUS. There is definitely fear and tension in the room. We are all anticipating what she is going to say. She starts off by telling a story from the Bible about a husband and wife (Ananias and Sapphira) who went to the temple and didn't want to give God all they had so they lied about how much money they had, and God struck them dead. She tells it in much more detail, and talked about how important it is to give all of our money to God and also that it was a sin to have a savings account because that means you aren't trusting God.
After this very intense sermon, she informed us about the $1000 checks and handed them out to each of us. I, and several others, immediately gave our $1,000 check back to Harvest Homest Home.